Learning is the lifeblood of Judaism; join over three millennia of Jewish learning by the people of the book!
Classes you can take at the U of R Chabad!
For detailed description, syllabus, and to register scroll down.
Sinai Scholars
Sinai Scholars 2.0: Medical Ethics
Judaism’s Best Kept Secrets: Women Only (Spring Semester)
Cookies & Conversation - Simple Truths
Advanced Talmud
Personalized Study
***All classes will be scheduled based on applicants' schedule
Sinai Scholars:
An innovative program of study that offers a fresh context for Jewish life and learning and examines the core values that guide a moral society.
8 Classes – 90 Minutes each.
Class 1
A Question of Identity: Perspectives on Jewish Identity in the Modern World
What does it mean to be a Jew? Is Judaism a religion, culture, nationality, or some combination thereof?
Class 2
A People with a Purpose: Exploring Foundational Elements of the Jewish Ethos
If you were G-d and you were going to address a once-for-all-time message to all of humanity, what would you say? What messages does humankind need to hear today?
Class 3
Reason and Ritual: On the Significance and Meaning of Jewish Observances
A discussion about Jewish rituals. In what ways can we find meaning and value in some of these observances?
Class 4
An Oasis in Time: The Gift of Shabbat
Class 5
Love Matters: Discovering Jewish secrets of Love and Marriage
What is the secret to true and lasting love? How do I know if she/he is right for me?
Class 6
Torah Ethics: Ancient System, Modern Applications
The Torah is ancient, so can it be of any consequence for today? Does the Torah have any insight to share about the novel realities of the modern world?
Class 7
Inside Out: An Overview of Jewish Mysticism, Kabbalah, and Chasidism
This lesson explores the history and development of Jewish mysticism, from ancient times until today. The development of Jewish mysticism is very much linked with twists and turns of Jewish history, and this session explores this link at great length.
Class 8
Forward Thinking: Examining Our Past to Forge Our Personal and Collective Future
In the 1980s, the historian Paul Johnson wrote that the world "might have been a much emptier place" without the Jews. But will historians say the same about the coming centuries of Jewish life?
Visit www.SinaiScholars.com to register.
Sinai Scholars 2.0: Jewish Medical Ethics
4 Classes – 60 minutes each
Class 1
Choosing Life: An Obligation to Seek Treatment?
This lesson examines Jewish perspectives on pursuing medical care, as well as declining it. Is it ever acceptable, or even preferable, to simply rely on faith, prayer, and one’s own resources?
Class 2
Flesh of My Flesh: Organ Transplants in Jewish Law
Hundreds of thousands of people find their lives hanging in the balance as they hope for the gift of life in the form of a vital organ such as a heart, lung, or kidney. Yet there is a tremendous shortage of available organs. Does Jewish law allow the donation of organs, either from a live donor or one who is recently deceased?
Class 3
New Beginnings: The Ethics of Reproductive Technologies
In the age of sperm donation, egg donation, and surrogacy, can a child have more than two parents? How does Judaism look at "designer babies"? Can we pre-select the gender of the child to match parent preferences or to prevent genetic illnesses?
Class 4
With You In Mind: Ethical Treatment of the Mentally Disabled
The mentally ill have often been viewed in society as possessed by the devil, or otherwise evil. How does Jewish law view the mentally ill? What about their involvement in Jewish community life?
Fill out the form below to register
Judaism’s Best Kept Secrets: Women Only
Some real girl talk on women’s issues, relationships, and sexuality through the lens of Judaism.
Spring Semester.
5 Classes – 90 Minutes each
Class 1
To Be a Jewish Woman
The vast majority of mitzvot are gender-free. Kabbalah offers a unique (and surprising!) perspective on those that are gender specific. How does this impact Jewish women today?
Class 2
Love and Intimacy
Do you believe in love? Why get married?
girl talk and a frank discussion on the intense power of sexuality and its gift to humanity.
Class 3
Mikvah - Then and Now
It’s Judaism’s best kept secret . . . but it shouldn’t be anymore! Everything you wanted to know about Mikvah but didn’t know how to ask. Discover the key component to loving Jewishly.
Class 4
The Jewish Contribution to the Big Ideas of History
More than monotheism, beyond socialism or nationalism or the rights of man, the Jewish contribution to civilization has resonated for over 3,500 years. What is it?
Class 5
What Does It All Mean to Me, Anyway?
A discussion of life on campus, and in the working world today. Breaking the glass ceiling is no big deal, but where do relationships fit in?
Fill out the form below to register
Cookies & Conversation - Simple Truths
7 Classes – 45 minutes each
Lesson 1
Claim Your Inheritance
What exactly is the Torah? Why does Judaism venerate its study above all else? This lesson explores the supreme role of Torah study in Jewish life and clarifies the motivation of Jewish mothers throughout the ages to forgo creature comfortsâ€"and much more–to ensure that their offspring are appropriately immersed in this vast ocean of wisdom.
Lesson 2
Where Pleasure Meets Purpose
This lesson explores inner conflict and fragmentation, analyzes the extent to which Judaism plays a role in everyday experiences, and draws the secrets of wholesome living from the wellsprings of Jewish wisdom.
Lesson 3
Creation Revisited
We are all creators, made in the image of G-d—the ultimate Creator. But is the difference between our ability to create and G-d’s merely a quantitative one?
This lesson searches the foundational principles of Jewish thought regarding G-d’s creation of the world and unearths ageless methods of reframing our approach to life.
Lesson 4
Overcoming Limitation
This lesson explores personal goals and development through the prism of Jewish thought, and offers insight into the ability to step steadily forward throughout life while avoiding burnout.
Lesson 5
Discovering Your Inner Worth
This lesson extracts Judaism’s brightest diamonds on the development of self-image and self-worth, and demonstrates that we can only appreciate our intrinsic value when we fully understand the ultimate source of that worth.
Lesson 6
The Beauty of the Struggle
This lesson views the fine art of self-discipline and control through the Torah’s insightful lenses. It demonstrates the method of discerning precisely what we can or cannot expect to regulate, and based on that awareness, it explores ways of introducing order, discipline, and a sense of inner peace and harmony to our lives.
Lesson 7
Joy Revealed
This lesson demonstrates the extraordinary emphasis that Judaism places on being joyful. It explores the role of happiness for the sake of personal wellbeing and success, and also for the benefit of those with whom we interact. This cheerful lesson presents a step-by- step journey to achieving happiness based on a deeper appreciation of the purpose of life.
Fill out the form below to register
Advanced Talmud
With its stimulating and mind-sharpening twists of logic, the Talmud represents the ultimate in Jewish scholarship.
Join a group of us on this text-based exploration of the Talmud!
Fill out the form below to register
Personalized Study
You choose the topic, day and time. Rabbi Asher or Devorah Leah would love to study with you!
Simply email or text us!
Devorah Leah:
[email protected]
– 585-350-5966
Rabbi Asher:
[email protected]
– 585-503-9224